Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good bye everyone

Hello viewers,

We are sad to say that we are officially going to stop blogging on this blog. BUT Snow9000 has created a new fantastic website called CPTips. Here is the link: http://www.snow9000tips.yolasite.com/
Even though we have stopped blogging on this blog we will continue to play on club penguin so hopefully you can chat to us on cp! Of course you can still comment as we will not be deleting the blog. We will look at the blog once and a while just to see if anyone has commented and if that comment is a question we will definetly answer it! When the team stops playing club penguin completely we will make another post if we remember too.

We would like to wish you good luck in the future and we hope you continue to enjoy your club penguin journey!

So remember please continue to look at Snow9000's blog and don't expect anymore from me (Redtipe) and Summertime54 and don't expect anything from Snow9000 on this blog but expect more from her on her current blog.

Thanks for your support all the way through on this blog and sorry that we only had it up and running for a short while.

From The CP4forfour team.

Redtipe, Snow9000 and Summertime54.

  <a href="http://www.makeagif.com/RFW1XD" title="Make Animated Gifs Online"><img src="http://www.makeagif.com/media/12-09-2010/RFW1XD.gif" alt="Gif Created on Make A Gif" /></a>  From us all. :(


  1. Could you also put our blog on this or another post? http://funtinclubpenguin.com


  2. Sure! I would be happy to do it but could I ask if you could post ours on yours?! Thanks alot for looking at our blog! Hope you enjoy posting!

    From Snow9000
